În perioada 7-10 septembrie 2015 Universitatea din București va găzdui Conferința Internațională Time and Culture / Temps et Culture. Evenimentul se înscrie în tradiția academică a Societății Internaționale pentru Istorie Culturală (International Society for Cultural History – ISCH), propunând un spațiu democratic de dezbatere a unor subiecte de importanță culturală, politică și istorică în societatea contemporană, la care participă peste 130 de cercetători și profesori din întreaga lume, care își desfășoară activitatea în domeniul științelor umaniste.
Temele propuse spre dialog, deopotrivă academice, prin discursul științific, și nonconformiste prin originalitatea abordării, au rolul de a crea un decupaj al timpului nostru, menit a ne confrunta cu prejudecăți, interpretări și subiecte tabu ivite în marginea acestuia. De la obsesia organizării sociale a timpului colectiv, prin sincronizări ale agendelor de lucru și ruperea de timpul personal, privat, al retragerii individului într-o realitate preferențială, deseori domestică și indiferentă la freamătul public, până la sfidarea timpului natural, prin epoca vitezei și a evoluției instrumentelor high-tech de comunicare, reprezentare și circulație a conținuturilor culturale, ne aplecăm asupra timpului în forme variate și, deseori, contradictorii. Rămânem adepții timpului ca evoluție naturală sub semnul tradiției sau al continuității unor fapte istorice încă discutabile, falsificate în memoria colectivă sau redate în deplina lor autenticitate, mizând tot mai mult pe discontinuitatea temporală ori de câte ori rămânem, de pildă, prizonierii confesiunilor din rețelele de socializare. Scopul acestor dezbateri este de a propune o reflecție istorică și culturală asupra timpului surprins în reprezentări religioase, politice, mitologice, artistice sau ideologice.
Conferința Anuală Internațională ISCH – Time and Culture este organizată, sub egida Societății Internaționale pentru Istorie Culturală, de către Universitatea din București, prin Facultatea de Filosofie și Departamentul de Istorie Antică, Arheologie si Istoria Artei; CEREFREA și Centrul pentru Studii Medievale. Alături de partenerii oficiali, Muzeul Țăranului Român, Radio Romania Cultural, LaPunkt, Muzeul Municipiului Bucureşti, Asociatia Alumni ai Universităţii din Bucureşti şi Agence universitaire de la Francophonie, organizatorii propun un eveniment deschis nu doar membrilor comunităţii academice, ci tuturor celor interesaţi de subiectele abordate de-a lungul celor patru zile de prelegeri şi mese rotunde. Programul conferinţei este disponibil pe site-ul ISCH, http://www.culthist.org/annual-conference-program-2015/. Participanţii sunt aşteptaţi, pentru o dezbatere originală a relaţiei dintre timp şi cultură, în sens larg, în cadrul Facultăţii de Filosofie, Splaiul Independenţei, nr. 204, sector 6, Bucureşti. Evenimentul este bilingv, engleză-franceză.
Programul Conferinţei
MONDAY – SEPTEMBER 78.30-10.00 – Registration of participants |
9.30 – 10.15. – OPENING SESSION, Amf. Mircea Florian (M.F.)
Alessandro Arcangeli – University of Verona, ISCH Chair
Mircea Dumitru – University of Bucharest, Rector
Gheorghe Vlad Nistor – University of Bucharest, Senate President
10.15.-11.00 – keynote speaker: Ioan Pânzaru
„Odeur du temps. Senteurs et saveurs médiévales dans l’exégèse d’Aristote”.
Chair: Zoe Petre (Romania)
11.00-11.30 – Coffee break
11.30-13.00 – Panel Sessions:
TIME AND HISTORY Chair: Christopher Heath (UK) – S. 8 | ||
Valeria Soroştineanu | Romania | The reflection of time in the Transylvanian Romanian historiography (18th century) |
Juhana Saarelainen | Finland | Travelling back and forth in time. Dialectics of nostalgia and utopia in the first half of nineteenth-century Finland |
Mervi Löfgren | Finland | Criticizing Past: Interpretations of the Decent Man |
Tomáš Dvořák | Czech Rep. | Archaeology of the alarm: technical, perceptual, and cultural aspects of temporal cues |
Alexandra Ion | Romania | Breaking down the body and putting it back: structuring and synchronising knowledge in an anthropological archive |
Oana Mateescu | Romania | Commensuration as synchronisation: the rule of three in the forest |
Bogdan-Petru Maleon | Romania | Treason, punishment and forgiveness. The image of the Ruler in historical writings in Moldavia during the 17th – 18th centuries |
Ion Lihaciu | Romania | Czernowitz in the culture of memory (1775-1918) |
Hans-Christian Maner | Germany | Religion and denomination in the culture of memory in Romania in the late modern period |
13.00-14.00 – LUNCH
14.00-16.00 – PANEL SESSIONS
TIME AND HERITAGE Chair: Alexandra Lițu (Romania) – Amf. Mircea Florian (M.F) | ||
Alina Trif | Romania/Belgium | De retour a Cucuteni – sur la maniere dont se forme un heritage national |
Anton C. van Vollenhoven | South Africa | A time to live, a time to die and a time to be resurrected: A peculiar case study of heritage graves on Zeerust, South Africa |
Leonie Marais-Botes | South Africa | Doornbult – the place where time stood still |
Sonia Catrina | Romania/Switzerland | Managing Jewish urban heritage assets in Bucharest |
SOCIAL TIME-PERSONAL TIME Palvi Rantala (Finland) – S.8. | ||
Ionut-Valentin Cucu | Romania | Time as a Forgotten Deity: the Rediscovery of Zurvan and its role in the Religious Culture of the Parsi |
Evy Johanne Håland | Norway/Greece | Time, History and Memory in Greece |
Alexis McCrossen | USA | Democratic Temporal Rites in the United States: A History of New Year’s Observances |
TIME REGIMES AND REGIMES OF HISTORICITY Chair: Gabriella Valera (Italy) – Amf. Constantin Radulescu-Motru (CRM) | ||
Daniela Zaharia | Romania | “Le Temps du roi” dans la pensée chinoise aux origines de l’époque impériale |
Étienne Bourdon | France | Les temps du monde dans les cosmographies de la Renaissance |
Daniel Poitras | France | Régime d’historicité et lieu d’attente au début des années 1960 |
Marek Tamm | Estonia | Past Presences: A New Western Chronotope and Challenges for History Writing |
TIME AND CULTURAL IMAGINARY Chair: Mihaela Pop (Romania) – S.6. | ||
Adina Ruiu | Canada/France | Institutional and subjective temporalities in the missionary trajectories of the French Jesuits in the 17th-18th centuries |
Kristin Hildur Saetran | Iceland | Time is. Time in the novel Hawksmoor by Peter Ackroyd |
Valérie Nahon | Belgium | Le « mook », un journalisme à contretemps ? |
Monica Adriana Ionescu | Romania | Memory and Time in Aurelius Augustinus and Marcel Proust or the Luxuriant Grass of Fertile Works |
16.00-16.30 – COFFEE BREAK
16.30 – 18.00 – PANEL SESSIONS
TIME AND CULTURAL IMAGINARY Chair: Diana Ghinea (Romania)- S.8. | ||
Daniel Gicu | Romania | Dimensions and representation of time in a Romanian compilation from The Thousand and One Nights (Halima) |
Hannu Salmi | Finland | Travel in Time 1895 |
Melina Rokai | Serbia | Time and Temporality in Accounts of the Nineteen Century British Travellers on Women of the Balkans |
Luiza-Maria Filimon | Romania | International Relations under the Tropic of Time. Analysing Imminence in the Age of Chronopolitics |
A TIME FOR MYTHSChair: Evy Johanne Håland (Norway) –S. 6. | ||
Hirschfeld Na`Aman | Germany | Myth and the Temporality of Prehistory |
Óscar Alfredo Ruiz Fernández | Romania | Ancient Heroes in Modern European History. Power, Symbolism, Propaganda and Myths |
Iva Dimovska | Hungary | Queering Time through the Myth of the Fall in James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake and Marcel Proust’s Sodom and Gomorrah |
19.30 – WELCOME COCKTAIL : Casa Universitarilor, Dionisie Lupu 46
9.00-11.00 – PANEL SESSIONS
RETHINKING CLUESChair: Fredrik Nilsson and Laris-Eric Jönsson (Sweden) – Amf. Mircea Florian (M.F) | ||
Andrej Slaìvik | Sweden | Microhistory goes public: from Ginzburg’s paradigma indiziario to Weizman’s forensic tur |
Brigitta Svensson | Sweden | Memory, method, meaning. A biographical turn in cultural history? |
Eliza Kraatari | Finland | Unraveling the idea of cottage industry – clues as a tool of distinction |
Lars-Eric Jönsson | Sweden | Talk, mongering and gossip in texts |
Liv Egholm | Denmark | Messy Relationships. Tracing Networks of Concepts and Practices in Philanthropic Gift-Giving |
TIME REGIMES AND REGIMES OF HISTORICITY Chair: Marek Tamm (Estonia) – S.8. | ||
Crina Galiță | Romania | Représentations conceptuelles du temps dans les Épîtres des Frères de la Pureté (Rasā’il ‘Iḫwān aṣ–Ṣafā‘) |
Rachel Elizabeth Ashcroft | UK | The subject-agent problem in Montaigne and Bruno: How do we master time? |
Renaud Quillet | France | Notre temps : accélération exponentielle ou présent sans fin ? Esquisses de diagnostic et d’intelligibilité |
Guy Rozat Dupeyron | Mexico | Le trou noir de la conquête de Mexico comme mangeur de temps |
Rosa María Spinoso Arcocha | Mexico | Le Temps du futur: la sixième prophétie dans l’imaginaire de la Conquête du Mexique |
Fernanda Núñez Becerra | Mexico | L’invention d’une tradition: une arme pédagogique supplémentaire contre les femmes |
Miriam Hernández Reyna | France | Les rhétoriques interculturelles au Mexique : une expression contemporaine des figures archétypales de l’indigène |
TIMES ARE CHANGINGChair: Roxana Coman (Romania) – Amf. Constantin Radulescu-Motru (CRM) | ||
Vladimir Crețulescu | Romania/France | La nation: ancienne ou moderne ? Une relecture critique des perspectives théoriques sur l’étendue temporelle des nations |
Nino Chikovani | Georgia | The Soviet Time in Post-Soviet Memory: How the New Memory has been constructed in Georgia |
Lana Pavlovic Aleksic | Serbia | Recognizing UNESCO`s Priorities for the XXI Century: Six Minutes on You Tube |
Andrés Novoa Gonzáles, N. Pais Alvarez, V. Quintero Leon | Spain | CENTER AND TIME: The multidimensional school and globalization of the bases. |
11.00-11.30 – COFFEE BREAK
11.30-13.30 – PANEL SESSIONS
SOCIAL TIME-PERSONAL TIME Chair: Daniel Gicu (Romania) – Amf. Mircea Florian (M.F.) | ||
Federico Barbierato | Italy | Reading the past, telling the future. Popular political discussion, prevision and the dissemination of news in Early Modern Italy |
David Henkin | USA | Hebdomadal Form: Diaries, News, and Weekly Rhythms in Nineteenth-Century America |
Paavo Oinonen | Finland | A Calendar on the Air: The Broadcast Radio as a Time Organizer |
Marine Beccarelli | France | La nuit, un espace-temps alternatif étudié au prisme de l’univers médiatique particulier de la radio nocturne |
Jonathan Martineau | Canada | Capitalist Markets and Time: A Sociohistorical Perspective |
TIME AND CULTURAL IDENTITYChair: Sophie Jacotot (France) – Amf. Constantin Radulescu-Motru (CRM) | ||
Caroline Rothauge | Germany | Past, Present and Future – Time Regimes in the German Kaiserreich and the United States of America around 1900 |
Corina Iosif | Romania | Quand „la tradition” devient historie: la dynamique des „traditions” comme domaine de l’identité nationale : le cas roumain |
Virginia Allen-Terry Sherman | France | Redefining time-bound family histories through timeless culinary traditions – an analysis of contemporary food memoirs |
TIME AND POWER Chair: Heta Aali (Finland) – S.8. | ||
Alexandra Lițu | Romania | The tragic memory in words of democracy in Athens |
Grigol Gegelia | EUI | Time and Power in the Thought of Niccoló Machiavelli |
Cathleen Sarti | Germany | Trying to Forget. The Influence of a suppressed time in Restoration England |
13.30-14.30 – LUNCH
14.30-15.30 – General Session – Amf. Constantin Radulescu-Motru
14.30 – 15.30 – keynote speaker: Ovidiu Cristea: History and memory: the rule of Stephen the Great of Moldavia as a model for his first succesors (1504-1538)
Chair: Ecaterina Lung
15.30-16.00 – Documentary Film: În umbra castelului / In the shadow of the castle
Director, Csibi Laszlo. Introduced by Daniela Apostol. Presented by DOCUART.
16.00-16.30 – Coffee break
16.30 – 17.30 – ISCH General Assembly
19.00 – Gala Dinner : Restaurant Caru’ cu bere, Stavropoleos 5
9.00-11.00 – PANEL SESSIONS
TIME, ARTS AND ESTHETICSChair: Anaïs Flechet (France) – Amf. Mircea Florian (M.F.) | ||
Anne Brædder | Denmark | The body as a medium to the past – re-enacting the Second World War |
Sophie Jacotot | France | Recréer une œuvre chorégraphique du passé ou comment faire face au passage du temps : l’exemple du Sacre du printemps de Vaslav Nijinsky |
Mihaela Grancea | Romania | La reconstitution historique de la « Belle Epoque » du film d’action roumain du temps du national-communisme (1971-1989) |
Marina-Cristiana Rotaru | Romania | Portraits of Queen Elizabeth II – Royal Representations in the Public Imagination Through Time |
TIME AND HERITAGE Chair: Sabine Stach (Germany/Poland) –S.8. | ||
Marija Benić Penava | Croatia | Time and tourism. Perception of time in the Croatian coastal area |
Marina Bergström | Finland | The time of slow travel in 20th century Finland |
Frédéric Armao | France | The “Time of Ireland”: an Interpretation of the four Yearly Irish festivals |
SOCIAL TIME-PERSONAL TIMEChair: Alessandro Archangeli (Italy) – Amf. Constantin Radulescu-Motru (CRM) | ||
Soile Ylivuori | Finland | Time management and autonomous subjectivity: Catherine Talbot, self-discipline, and politeness as a practice of the self |
Marjo Kaartinen | Finland | Boredom and Ennui in Eighteenth-Century English Culture |
Pälvi Rantala | Finland | Who owns my time? Napping as a negotiated act in everyday life |
11.00-11.30 – COFFEE BREAK
11.30-13.30 – PANEL SESSIONS
SOCIAL TIME-PERSONAL TIME Chair: Federico Barbierato (Italy) – Amf. Mircea Florian (MF) | ||
Melina Cassandra Kalfelis | Germany | Time in Poverty – Local Understanding of an Universal Frame of Existence |
Anu Korhonen | Finland | Women wasting time: Early modern time management from a gender perspective |
Tobias Spöri | Austria | Political culture and generational change in Eastern Europe after 1989 – Exploring effects of the transition on political participation. |
Annastiina Mäkilä | Finland | Temporality of the depression before and after DSM III |
TIME AND POWERChair: Andra Jugănaru (Romania) –Amf. Constantin Radulescu-Motru (CRM) | ||
Christopher Heath | UK | The Ancients recount an absurd tale’: Time, Myth and the Origins of the Lombards |
Ecaterina Lung | Romania | La chronologie et son rôle dans les oeuvres historiques de l’Antiquité Tardive et du début du Moyen Âge |
Mianda Cioba | Romania | Les chevaliers du roi dans le Livre de l’Ordre de la Bande : mémoire, autorité et réglementation des statuts dans la Castille du XIVème siècle |
Heta Aali | Finland | Time and sources in nineteenth-century France |
Panagiota Anagnostou | France | La musique « moderne » en Grèce dans l’entre-deux-guerres : une mémoire à reconfigurer ? |
Didier Francfort | France | La France, illusoire bastion de la modernité musicale populaire en Europe dans l’entre-deux-guerres |
Denis Saillard | France | Le bagel à la recherche du temps perdu. Des petits pains des ghettos polonais au produit mondialisé |
TIME, ARTS AND ESTHETICS Chair: Tiina Kinnunen (Finland) – S. 6. | ||
Mihnea Alexandru Mihail | Romania | Past, Present, Future and the Places of the Afterlife in Central European Representations of the Last Judgment. 14th-15th Centuries |
Carmen Burcea | România | Goya-Disenchanter of War |
Roxana Coman | Romania | The past in the present: the case of nineteenth century Romanian historical painting |
Eva Reme | Norway | Visualizing time, history and memories |
13.30 – 14.30 – LUNCH
14.30-17.00 – PANEL SESSIONS
SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND MATERIAL CULTURE OF TIMEChair: Anton van Vollenhoven (South Africa) – Amf. Mircea Florian (M.F) | ||
Donald Gilman | USA | Calendrical Calculations, Cultural Perspectives, and Tyard’s Discours du temps |
Mikkel Thelle | Denmark | Microtechnologies in motion. Material entanglements of the Copenhagen Tramways 1863-1911. A bottom-up approach |
Ana-Maria Lepăr | Romania | The Sun Clock from Metropolitanate Hill of Bucharest |
TIME REGIMES AND REGIMES OF HISTORICITY Chair: Daniela Zaharia (Romania) – Amf. Constantin Radulescu-Motru (CRM) | ||
Andra Jugănaru | Hungary | Explaining the Beginning of Time. Gregory of Nyssa’s Apology in Hexaemeron |
Friedrich von Petersdorff | Germany | Distance and proximity of the past |
Mauricio Sánchez-Menchero | Mexico | Penelope’s Weaving and Unraveling. The Passage of Time and Women’s Correspondence |
Gabriella Valera | Italy | Time and culture. Spacialization of time and temporalization of space between grand and small narratives |
Mihaela Pop | Romania | Time and Art in the 20th century |
Oana Şerban | Romania | Heterotopias of time through spaces of representations and differences: Foucault’s Museum |
Rodica Ivan-Haintz | Romania | The significance of the historical definition of art in our culture |
Raluca Oancea | Romania | Time regimes: from the sacred and religious to contemporary art |
Maria Buleu | Romania | Fin de siecle and Moral Responsibility of the Artist. |
19.30 – Bucharest guided tour (optional)
9.00-11.00 – PANEL SESSIONS
LES SAISONS CULTURELLES : TEMPS ET RYTHMES SOCIAUX DE L’ART ET DES SPECTACLES Chair : Didier Francfort (France) – Amf. Mircea Florian (M.F) | ||
Jean-Claude Yon | France | La saison théâtrale. La temporalité des spectacles au XIXe siècle |
Julie Verlaine | France | Du Salon à la Foire : quelles dynamiques de saisonnalité dans les arts plastiques ? |
Jean-Yves Mollier | France | La rentrée littéraire |
Anaïs Fléchet | France | Festivals et saisons musicales |
Pascale Goetschel | France | « Crise du théâtre » en France : une approche politique et culturelle du temps (fin XIXe siècle-années 1930) |
MEMORY AND PROPAGANDA Chair: Ecaterina Lung (Romania) – S. 8 | ||
Cécile Vallée | France | Remembering the past, glorifying the present, preparing the future: J.B Priestley’s obsession with time in the 1940 Sunday Postscripts |
Marianne Junila & Tiina Kinnunen | Finland | Time in Shaping Memories: Shifting Images of the Winter War in the Finnish Memory Culture |
Maria Cristina Álvarez González | Spain | “The return of the new”: Polish opposition intellectuals’ reflections on the course of time (1976-1991) |
Lukas Becht | Germany | Time under transformation? How research on the future in post-communist Poland made sense of the changing realities after 1989 |
TIME, MEMORY, HERITAGEChair: Hannu Salmi (Finland) – S. 6. | ||
Yiran Zheng | China/US | The Past Made Present: Three Holocaust Memorials in Berlin |
Sabine Stach | Germany/Poland | Making of the Past – State Socialism in Heritage Tourism |
Yves Montenay | France | Le temps et le développement : une illustration historique |
Potec Emil | Romania | Sous le poids du temps-l’homme moderne face à l’écoulement du temps. Une approche phénomenologique |
MEMORY AND PROPAGANDAChair: Maria Cristina Rotaru (Romania) – Amf. Constantin Radulescu-Motru (C.R.M) | ||
Annarita Gori | Portugal | Dealing with the past… |
Giorgio Lucaroni | Italy | Italian Fascism and the Construction of History: Gerarchia 1922–1943 |
Jan Nelis | Belgium | ‘When in Rome’: Time as a cornerstone of Italian identity in the mid-twentieth century |
11.00-11.30 – COFFEE BREAK
11.30 – 12.30 – General Session, Amf. Mircea Florian (M.F.)
Keynote speaker : Christophe Prochasson : L’historien face au temps : François Furet et l’utopie
Chair: Florin Țurcanu (Romania)
12.30 – 13.30 – LUNCH
16.00-17.00 – CLOSING SESSION