Radio Europa Libera: Cosmarul hingherilor totalitari

Cosmarul jandarmilor culturali, al hingherilor ideologici dezlantuiti impotriva libertatii spiritului, s-a numit, vreme de decenii, Radio Europa Libera. Pentru potentatii comunisti, adevarul era prin definitie subversiv. Erau, acesti posedati ai Raului, servitorii Marii Minciuni. Scopul esential al propagandei comuniste, ca si al cei fasciste, era plasmuirea “Omului Nou”, complet programat si controlat ideologic. Emisiunile Europei Libere au fost acel antidot pe care regimurile comuniste l-au urat cu o patima de-a dreptul patologica. Au fost, aceste emisiuni, oxigenul care ne-a ajutat sa nu ne asfixiem. Atunci cand Nicolae Breban, sub umbrela unei institutii a statului roman, se exprima licentios la adresa marilor intelectuali ai acestei tari (H.-R. Patapievici, Andrei Plesu, Gabriel Liiceanu) el batjocoreste de fapt traditia Europei Libere. Imi pot lesne imagina ce-ar fi avut de spus Monica Lovinescu si Virgil Ierunca despre asemenea atacuri ignobile. Regimul comunist a fost unul liberticid, orice ar spune azi diversii nostalgici ai “binefacerilor” dictaturii.

Astazi, cand Vladimir Putin incearca sa reconstituie Imperiul Raului, Europa Libera isi mentine vibranta, indispensabila actualitate. Public aici textul citit (via Skype) la ceremonia de la Ambasada Romaniei din Praga (mai 2015) legata de inmanarea decoratiei acordate doamnei Oana Serafim, directoarea Departamentului Moldova al RFE, de catre presedintele Traian Basescu in decembrie 2014. O felicit cordial pe Oana Serafim si pe colaboratorii ei. Scriu pentru acest post de radio de peste trei decenii. O fac si acum, saptamanal. Identitatea mea intelectuala si morala ar fi negandit in afara acestei colaborari.

“Totalitarianism, according to the classical definition proposed by Carl Friedrich and Zbigniew Brzezinski, signifies among others the complete control of information by the one-party dictatorship, a monopoly over mass communication exerted systematically and constantly. his obsession to supervise human mind was the hallmark of ideological tyranny from their very beginning, under Lenin. Under Stalin, controlling information was absolutely Draconian. The Cold War was not limited to the political and often military confrontations, but was to a great extent an informational one. The Soviet Bloc’s nomenklaturas feared nothing more than truth.

Under these conditions, on July 4th, 1950 started the broadcastings of Radio Free Europe. For decades, the philosophy underlying RFE’s transmissions was one of pluralism, in other words the opposite of the official communist propaganda. In the case of the Romanian Department we should emphasize that RFE was an indispensable source of information and hope for a population constantly manipulated and agressed by an unrepentant Stalinist regime.

I remember vividly the intellectual broadcasting from Paris by the distinguished cultural and political critics Monica Lovinescu and Virgil Ierunca. Since its inception, Radio Free Europe has been the spoken newspaper of Romanians everywhere, in Romania, Moldova (before and after the collapse of the USSR), and the Romanian Exile. There are a few features of RFE’s tradition that need to be highlighted here: the rejection of any nationalist arrogance, an enlightened, open-minded and inclusive patriotism. The editorials signed by RFE’s directors Noel Bernard and Vlad Georgescu did beget a constellation of democratic ideas and a journalistic style that consistently avoided any form of shrill pamphleteering in favor of objective, lucid analysis.

Communist regimes were founded on the sacralization of dogmas. Their rhetoric was nothing but mechanical chains of empty words. Radio Free Europe opposed the truthful logos to the mendacious, fraudulent and falsifying one. Nowadays, when Putinism strives to reconstruct an authoritarian-mistifying ideology, RFE and Radio Liberty remain vital reference points for those who oppose the FSB dictatorship, its plans, and its instruments.

The same needs to be said about broadcasting in Romanian, especially to Moldova, a country where the battle between the friends and the foes of an open society is ongoing. The Moldovan service is therefore immensely important by providing a framework for an uninhibited democratic conversation and for the defense of a genuine historical memory.”


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